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The Mom

Carey lives in Raleigh, NC, and loves being a mom. She knows that the world sometimes sees the differences between her kids, but she only sees them as hers, born in her heart.

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The Big Brother

Reid's in 6th grade in Raleigh, NC. He was adopted when he  was born. His birthdad is from Mexico and his birthmom is from South Carolina, and they were never married. His birthfather is in Mexico, but he does get to see his birthmom once in a while.



The Sister

Halley is in 5th grade in Raleigh, NC. She was adopted when she was born. Halley's never met her birthdad, but her birthmom is from South Carolina, and they get to see her sometimes.



The Little Brother

Ben is in 1st grade in Raleigh, NC. He was adopted when he was born. Ben doesn't know his birthdad, but Ben's birthmom is from North Carolina, and he gets to see her and his biological half-brother sometimes.

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